Hot Pink Mushrooms!

Around Christmas time last year I bought my first box of Espresso Mushroom Company (EMC) mushrooms. Basically it is a mushroom growing kit in a box. The mushrooms grow on spent coffee grounds, making for some very clever recycling. Unfortunately I think they’d been sitting in the shop a little too long and they didn’t grow. However when EMC found out they sent me another box in the post – which did really well.

So when they offered to send me a box of their new, hot pink oyster mushrooms I jumped at the chance. The problem is they were top secret until the product launched, so I have been sitting on this post for months! These ones did even better than the ordinary oyster mushrooms – I think I harvested them within 9 days, and got a second harvest a couple of weeks later.

I took regular photos and made them into a rather crappy animated GIF for your viewing pleasure. It’s a bit jumpy because the mushrooms really did grow that quickly – I’d go to work and when I got back they’d have doubled in size.

picasion.com_d6bfa10574f9b84156464593dc7537e2 (Click on the image to see the animation)

Disclaimer: obviously these were a freebie but now they’re available to buy I will definitely be doing so. Oh and I can’t say the pink ones taste any better – and in fact they lose most of their pink hue on cooking – but WHO CARES? They’re pink!